Seminar on Promoting Female High School Student Enrollment
The annual Seminar on Promoting Female High School Student Enrollment in Natural Sciences Courses primarily targets female students at junior and senior high schools in the Aichi, Mie, and Gifu Prefectures. The seminar is aimed at encouraging more of female high school students to consider majoring in natural sciences and promoting Nagoya University as the preferred institution.
The event is held concurrently with the Nagoya University Science Forum for Young Women Researchers. It consists of a poster session and keynote speeches by women scientists. In the poster session, young women researchers (mainly graduate students) in natural sciences present their research findings and have them judged by female high school students and others. The objective is to stimulate girls' interest in and understanding of the natural sciences through interaction with the young women researchers.
In the second part, two or three women researchers in natural sciences talk about their career paths and encourage the female high school students to consider making science their vocation.