Full-time Faculty Members
Yoko Hayashi
Professor, Center for Gender Diversity, Nogoya University
Ph.D. in Literature, Mar. 2008, Osaka University
M.A. in Politics, Mar. 1998, Doshisha University
Modern Japanese History, Gender Studies
1) Scholarly Book in Japanese (Single Work)
Yoko HAYASHI, Sei wo Kanri Suru Teikoku: Kousho Seido-ka no Eisei Mondai to Haisho Undo (Management of Sexuality for Imperial Expansion: Hygiene Issues under the State-regurated Licensed Prostitution System and the Movements against It), Osaka University Press, January 2017.
2) Scholarly Books in Japanese (Joint Edited Work)
Yoko HAYASHI, Naoko AOKI (Joint Editor), Open Japan Closed Japan: Towards Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Mobility, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University, 2017
3) Scholarly Books in Japanese (Joint Works)
1 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Ren’ai no Jiyu wo Urazuni Ikiteiku Tameni: Haisho Ronja to shiteno Yamakawa Kikue ga Syucho Siteita Koto” (To live without selling the freedom of love: Kikue Yamakawa as an abolitionist against the licensed prostitution), in Mirai Kara Kita Feminist, Kitamura Kaneko to Yamakawa Kikue (Feminists from the Future: Kaneko KITAMURA and Kikue YAMAKAWA), Hanataba-shobo,2023 |
2 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Kindai Nihon no Kousho Seido to Sei no Kanri”(Licensed Prostitution System and Sexual Management in Modern Japan), “Sekaishi no Nakano Yukaku: Senzen no Nihon Karamita Obei no Kindai Kousho Seido”(Considering Japanese Licensed Prostitution Quarters from the Perspective of World History), in Sei no Kanri no Kingendai-shi (Modern History of "Sexuality Management" in Japan, Europe, and the United States), the Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences of Doshisha University, 2021) |
3 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Baibaishun Mondai to Sengo Nihon no Minsyu-shugi: Baishun Boshi-ho Seitei wo Meguru Kokkai to Chiho Gikai deno Giron wo Chushin ni”(The Issue of Prostitution and Postwar Japanese Democracy: Focusing on the Debate in the Diet and Local Legislatures over the Enactment of the Anti-Prostitution Law), in ‘Sengo-Minsyu-shugi’ no Rekishiteki Kenkyu (Historical Study of ‘Postwar Democracy’), Horitsubunkasha, 2021 | 4 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Hiratsuka Raicho (1886-1971) to Seito: Sexuality wo Katari-hajimeta ‘Atarashii Onna’ Tachi”(Raicho Hiratsuka (1886-1971) and the Bluestocking (Seito): ‘New Women’ who Began to Talk about Sexuality), “Yamakawa Kikue(1890-1980): Nihon ni Okeru Gender Seisakuron no Genten”(Kikue Yamakawa (1890-1980): The Pioneer of Gender Policy Theory in Japan), in Handbook Nihon Seiji Shiso-shi: Bakumatsu Kara Showa Made(Handbook of Modern Japanese Political Thought: From the End of the Edo Period to the Showa Period), Minerva Shobo, 2021 |
5 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Yamamuro Gunpei to Haisho Undo: Nichiei-Kankeishi no Shiten Kara”(Gunpei Yamamuro and the Movement against Licensed Prostitution: From a Historical Perspective on Anglo-Japanese Relations), in Jiai to Fukushi: Okayama no Senkusha-tachi 2 (Compassion and Welfare: Pioneers in Okayama 2), RSK Sanyo Broadcasting Academic and Cultural Foundation, 2020 |
6 | Yoko HAYASHI, Kirisutokyo Shinko ni Motozuku Josei Shien no Rekishi: Kanita- Fujin-no-Mura no Hanseiki (A History of Japanese Women's Shelters Rooted in the Christian Faith: Focusing on Kanita-Fujin-no-Mura with a History Spanning Half a Century, the Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences of Doshisha University, 2020 |
7 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Uchinaru Shofu Sabetsu wo Egaki Dasukoto: Wakasugi Toriko Furu-kagami no Shinen” (Depicting the Discrimination against Prostitutes Within: The Abyss of Toriko Wakasugi’s ‘Old Mirror’), in Yuko IIDA, Izumi NAKAYA, Kayo SASAO (ed.), Jyosei to Tosou: Zassi ‘Nyonin Geijyutsu’ to 1930 Nen Zengo no Bunka Seisan (Women and Struggle: The magazine "Women's Art"(Nyonin Geijyutsu) and cultural production around 1930), Seikyusha, 2019 |
8 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Seiri Eisei Kyokasho ni Miru Jintai no Hyosho: Jinsyu to Seisa no Danjobetsu Kyoiku" (Images of Human Body in Middle School Textbooks of Physiology and Hygiene Issue in Prewar Japan: An Analysis from the Gender Perspective), in Shizuko KOYAMA (ed.), Danjo Betsugaku no Jidai: Senzen-ki Chutou Kyoiku no Gender Hikaku (The Age of Single-sex Education: Comparative Studies about Secondary Education in Prewar Japan from a Gender Perspective), Kashiwashobo, 2015 |
9 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Manshu Nippo ni Miru Odoru Onna: Manshu-koku Kenkoku to Modern Girl" (Images of Dancing Women in Manshu Nippo (Manchurian Daily Newspaper): Modern Girls in the Age of Founding Manchukuo), in Michiko IKUTA (ed.), Onna-tachi no Manshu: Taminzoku Kuukan wo Ikite (Women in Manchuria:Lives in a Multiethnic Society), Osaka University Press, 2015 |
10 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Kazoku’tte Nandarou?: Rekishi wo Tadotte Mietekurukoto" (What is "Family"?: Lessons of History),"Hito ga Hito wo Tasukeru to Iukoto: Boryoku niyoru Kizu karano Kaifuku no Tameni"(Helping People: For Recuperation from Hurts by Violence), in Kobe College Women's Studies Institute (ed.), Kataritugu Josei-gaku: Jidai wo Ninau Josei-tachi heno Messeiji (Women's Studies to Hand Over to the Next Generation), Ochanomizu Shobo, 2015 |
11 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Kousho Haishi-go no Haisho Undo: Baisyun Boushi-hou Seitei Katei ni okeru Josei Giin no Yakuwari" (Anti-prostitution Movements after Abolishment of Licensed Prostitution System in Japan: Focusing on the Role of Diet Women in the Process of the Establishment of Anti-Prostitution Law), in Masao IZUHARA (ed.), Sengo Nihon Sisou to Chishiki-jin no Yakuwari (Postwar Japanese Thoughts and the Role of Intellectuals), Horitsubunkasha, 2015 |
12 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Kindai Kousho Seido to Haisho Undo" (Modern Licensed Prostitution System and the Movements against It),"‘Karayuki-san’ to Shokuminchi Kousho Seido" (‘Karayuki-san’ and Licensed Prostitution System in Colonies of Japanese Empire),"Fujin Kyofu-kai to Kirisuto-kyo" (Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Christianity in Japan), "Baisyun Boushi-hou no Seiritsu to Seibaibai no Tayouka" (The Establishment of the Anti-Prostitution Law and Diversification of the Way of Prostitution), in Rekishi wo Yomikaeru: Gender kara Mita Nihon-shi (Japanese History from the Gender Perspective), Otsuki Shoten, 2015 |
13 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Funin no Gen’in to shite no Rinbyo: Meiji Taisho-ki no Shomin no Seishoku-kan no Henka to Kaishun no Mondai-ka"(Gonorrhoea as a Cause of Sterility: Change of Popular Images of Reproduction and Problematization of the Purchase of Sex in the Meiji Period and the Taisho Period), in Noriko SUZUKI (ed.), Rekishi ni okeru Suuen to Kyosei: Josei, Kegare, Eisei (The Marginalized and Coexistence in Japanese History: On Women, 'Kegare', and Hygiene Issues), Shibunkaku Syuppan, 2014 |
14 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Miru: Shintai heno Manazashi to Kenryoku" (The Bio-politics in the Way of Looking at Human Bodies), in Yayo OKANO (ed.), Ikiru: Aida de Hagukumareru Sei (Life Nurtured among people), Fukosha, 2010 |
15 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Bunmei-ka to 'Otoko-rashisa' no Saikouchiku: 1910 nendai no Kakusei ni miru Sei yoku Ron"(Reconstructed Masculinity in the Age of Civilization: On theories of Sexual Desire in the Magazine Kakusei in 1910's), in Miho OGINO (ed.), Sei no Bunkatsu Sen: Kingendai Nihon no Gender to Shintai (Parting Lines of Gender and Bodies in Modern Japan), Seikyu-sha, 2009 |
16 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Nisshin Senso Zengo no Katei Zasshi: Eiyu-den wo Monogataru Haha/ Boucho suru Kokka"(Katei Zasshi(Home Magazine) during and after Sino-Japanese War: Mothers Telling Tale of Heroism in the Age of Imperialism), in Takeshi NISHIDA, Mamoru WADA, Hiromitsu YAMADA, Akihiko KITANO (ed.), Minyu-sha to Sono Jidai: Shiso, Bungaku, Journalism Syudan no Kiseki (Minyusha and Its Era: A Trajectory of an Association of Thoughts, Literature, and Journalism), Minerva Shobo, 2003 |
17 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Aru Rekishi-ka no Tanjo: Senji-ka no YAMAKAWA Kikue"(A Birth of a ‘Historian’: Kikue YAMAKAWA in Wartime), in YAMAKAWA Kikue Memorial Association (ed.), Tatakau Joseigaku he; YAMAKAWA Kikue Sho no Ayumi 1981-2000 (Toward a Fighting Women’s Studies: The History of the Yamakawa Kikue Prize 1981-2000), Impact Shuppannkai, 2000 |
4) Doctoral Thesis
Yoko HAYASHI, Onna-tachi/ Otoko-tachi no Haisho Undo: Nihon ni Okeru Sei no Kindai-ka to Gender (Gender in Movements against Licensed Prostitution System and Japanese Modernization), Faculty or Letters, Osaka University, March 2008
5) Published Papers in Japanese
1 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Jiyu Haigyo Undo no Zenkokuteki Kakudai to ‘Jinken’ Mondai: 1900 nen no Shogi Geigi no Keiyaku wo Meguru Tojisya no Toso wo chushin ni” (Nationwide Expansion of the Free Cessation Movement and Human Rights Issues: Focusing on the 1900 Struggles of the Parties Concerned over Contracts of Licensed Prostitutes and Entertainers), in Journal of Japanese History, No.729, pp.33-47, May 2023 |
2 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Jiyu Haigyo Undo to Hayari-Uta: Strike-bushi, Sinonome-bushi wo Chushin ni” (Free Cessation Movement for Japanese Licensed Prostitutes and Popular Songs with a Focus on the Strike-bushi and the Sinonome-bushi), in the Social Sciences, No.51-3, pp.31-55, 2021(Refereed) |
3 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Sumiya Etsuji no Danwa (1975.12.19) : ‘Doshisha Academism’ wo Chushin ni” (Etsuji Sumiya's talk on 19 December 1975 about the History of "Doshisha Academism" and the Foundation of the Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences of Doshisha University) in the Study of Christianity and Social Problems, No.70, pp.1-31, 2021 (Refereed) | 4 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Ozawa Saburo Hen U. G. Murphy Kanren Jiyu Haigyo Undoshi Shiryo (2): Shogi Okuma Kin no Mae-shakkin wo Meguru Kashikin Seikyu Jiken” (Historical Sources of the Free Cessation (Jiyu Haigyo) Movement Created by Ulysses Grant Murphy Which Were Owned and Edited by Saburo Ozawa (2) : Kin Okuma's Case) , in the Study of Christianity and Social Problems, No.70, pp.149-187, 2021 (Refereed) |
5 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Maurice Gregory no Rainichi to Haisho Undo no Zenkokuteki Soshiki ‘Kakusei-kai’ no Hossoku: Igirisu Indo Chugoku Nihon wo Mudubu Shakai-kairyo Undoshi no Ichi-danmen” (Maurice Gregory’s Visit to Japan and Its Impact on Japanese Movement against Licensed Prostitution: Establishment of the Japanese Purity Agitation Society ‘Kakusei-kai’ as a Significant Milestone in the Christian History of U.K.-India-China-Japan Relationship) in the Study of Christianity and Social Problems, No.69, pp.31-60, 2020 (Refereed) |
6 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Ozawa Saburo Hen U. G. Murphy Kanren Jiyu Haigyo Undoshi Shiryo (1): Murphy ni yoru Saisho no Jiyu Haigyo Sosho ni Kansuru Shiryo to Shogi Sano Fude no Tegami” (Historical Sources of the Free Cessation (Jiyu Haigyo) Movement Created by Ulysses Grant Murphy Which Were Owned and Edited by Saburo Ozawa(1): Fude Sano’s Case), in the Study of Christianity and Social Problems, No.69, pp.91-129, 2020 (Refereed) |
7 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Jiyu Haigyo Undo to Kyusei-gun no Nichiei Kankei” (Free Cessation Movement and Relationships between the British and the Japanese Salvation Army), in the Study of Christianity and Social Problems, No.68, pp.35-60, 2019 (Refereed) |
8 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Meiji-ki no Shinbun Koukoku ni Miru Shiroi Hada heno Shokei to Seibyo ni Taisuru Manazashi" (Yearning for "White Skin" and Venereal Diseases in Newspaper Advertisements in the Meiji Era), in Gender Studies (Annals of the Tokai Foundation for Gender Studies), No.13, pp.109-133, 2010(Refereed) |
9 | Yoko HAYASHI, "ABE Isoo ni okeru Heiwa-ron to Dansyu-ron: Dansei-sei no Mondai tono Kakawari wo Kijiku ni" (On the Notion of "Peace" and Sterilization in Isoo ABE: Concerning the Problem of Manliness), in Gender History, No.5, pp.35-49, 2009 (Refereed) |
10 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Haisho Undo heno Josei no Sanka to Syuen-ka" (Women in the Early Movement against Licensed Prostitution: From the Standpoint of Gender History), in Joseishigaku (The Annals of Women's History), No.17, pp.1-17. 2007 (Refereed) |
11 | Yoko HAYASHI, "Haisho-ron to Sanji-seigen-ron no Yugo: ABE Isoo no Yusei-Shiso ni tuite (The Connection between the theory of Movements against Licensed Prostitution and the Birth Control Theory: On the Eugenics of Isoo ABE), Joseigaku (Women's Studies), No.13, pp.94-110, 2006 (Refereed) |
12 | Yoko HAYASHI, "YAMAKAWA Kikue Kenkyu ni Miru Gender Bias" (Gender Bias in the Studies of Kikue YAMAKAWA), Joseigaku Nenpo (The Annual Report of the Women's Studies Society of Japan), No.20, pp.88-102, 1999 (Refereed) |
6) International Presentation in English
1 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Licensed Prostitution Quarters of the Japanese Empire as Sexual Health Threat to Its Periphery”, The Twenty-fourth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), July 3, 2022 |
2 | Yoko HAYASHI, “Maurice Gregory’s Visit to Japan and Its Impact on Japanese Movement against Licensed Prostitution”, International Federation for Research in Women's History, August 10, 2018 |
3 | Yoko HAYASHI, “International Emancipation Movements for Japanese Prostitutes around 1900, Berkshire Conference, June 4, 2017 | 4 | Yoko HAYASHI, “The Influence of British Movement against Licensed Prostitution upon Japanese Society in the Meiji Era (1868-1912)”, International Conference ‘Women’s Histories: The Local and the Global’, International Federation for Research in Women's History & Women's History Network, August 31, 2013 |