Aichi Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Forum on Gender Equality and Social Promotion
Forum Charter
The Basic Act for a Gender-Equal Society came into effect in June 1999. In its preamble, the act states that "…it has become a matter of urgent importance to realize a Gender-Equal Society in which men and women respect each other's human rights and share their responsibilities, and every citizen is able to fully exercise their individuality and abilities regardless of gender," and realization of a Gender-Equal Society is positioned as a top-priority task in determining the framework for 21st-century Japan. Internationally, realization of gender-equal societies is a central theme for the 21st century, which has been designated the "century of human rights." Realizing a gender-equal society does not simply mean "improving the status of women," which was the focus in the last century; it means constructing a 21st century social system in which women and men have fully equal status and there is no gender bias.
In order to attain that goal, states the preamble to the act, "it is vital to position the realization of a Gender-Equal Society as a top-priority task in determining the framework of 21st-century Japan, and to implement policies relating to promotion of formation of a Gender-Equal Society in all fields." In other words, the law is aimed at creating a society in which gender equality exists in all fields, which are organically linked to create a synergy effect.
Against this backdrop, the Aichi Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Forum on Gender Equality and Social Promotion was established, with a mission of realizing a gender-equal society in all fields. One goal of this forum is to encourage industry, university and government to contribute to realization of a gender-equal society through mutual exchange, identification of common ground, cooperation, and proposal of concepts and strategies.
Objective and activities
The objective of forum activities is to promote development of a gender-equal society based on sharing of knowledge and mutual feedback among forum members. Toward that end, the forum conducts the activities listed below, together with workshops (including symposiums):
1. Information exchange and research regarding realization of a gender-equal society
2. Policy reviews and recommendations regarding realization of a gender-equal society
3. Promoting policies regarding realization of a gender-equal society
4. Assessing progress on realization of a gender-equal society
5. Other matters regarding realization of a gender-equal society
Forum members
Aichi Prefecture Nagoya City Aichi Employers' Association Nagoya University
Forum Operating Committee Members
Office for Gender Equality, Social Activities Promotion Section, Prefectural Resident’s Life Division, Aichi Prefectural Government
Office for Gender Equality, General Coordination Division, General Affairs Bureau, Nagoya City Government
Office Bureau, Aichi Employer’s Association
Office for Gender Equality, Nagoya University
Forum Office
The forum office is located in the Office for Gender Equality, Nagoya University