Support is available to cover various aspects of
female researchers’ activities.
Program for the recruitment of female researchers
- Incentives to accelerate recruitment of
female researchers
Schools and centers are provided with incentives if they meet the following criteria:
- (1) when they achieve the numerical target for the percentage of female researchers
- (2) when they hire female faculty members
Program for supporting the promotion of
work-life balance
- Establishment of the Gender Equality
Best Practice Award
Schools (or departments) and centers are invited to join a competition in which they share their programs that have helped to increase their percentage of female faculty members, empower women, and achieve work-life balance. The organization with effective programs are granted the “Gender Equality Best Practice Award”, along with subsidies. By widely publicizing this competition among faculty and staff members and students of the university, it is hoped that awareness of gender equality will be raised among all members of the university.
- Use of the on-campus daycare center and
the on-campus after-school childcare center during
the National Center Test for University Admissions
and establishment
Faculty and staff members going through a life event will receive subsidies for expenses related to use of the on-campus daycare center or after-school childcare center while supervising the National Center Test for University Admissions (Saturday and Sunday).
- Questionnaires for promotion of
work-life balance and gender equality
A questionnaire survey is conducted to investigate work-life balance, gender equality, and other issues in order to assess the awareness of university members and gain a better understanding of the actual situation. The results of this survey are then published.
- Consultations on nursing care
Care managers offer consultations on long-term care.
Program for improving female researchers’
research skills
Program for improving research competence
- Intensive training on English presentation skills
- - English paper writing training
- - Subsidies for proofreading of English papers
Program for the proactive promotion of
female researchers to higher positions
- Incentive to promote female faculty members to
higher positions
Schools and centers are provided with incentives if they meet the following criteria:
- (1) when they appoint female faculty members to decision-making positions that affect the entire university (e.g. trustees and deans).
- (2) when they promote female faculty members as professors.
- Commendation of top leaders among
female researchers
Each school and center recommends one “particularly outstanding female researcher (who not only excels in research achievements and competence but is also expected to play an active role as a university director or manager in the near future).” The Gender Equality Promotion Expert Committee then screens the candidates to commend approximately several individuals as top leaders among female researchers for each year. These female leaders will receive subsidies for research expenses.
Program for developing female leaders
- Women’s leadership program
Purpose: Female researchers can avail themselves of leadership training on the information, qualifications, and skills necessary to seek higher positions so that they can proactively engage in and make decisions regarding research, education, and the organizational management of the university.
Procedures: This year-long program consists of approximately four training sessions (leadership training by external lecturers, training by top leaders of the university, training on English public speaking, etc.).