What Nagoya University aims to achieve through
the MEXT’s Diversity Program
The MEXT's

Recruitment and
Promotion of
Female Researchers
Promotion of
the Work-Life
Research Skills
Center for Gender
Equality and
Changing People's

Recruitment of new female faculty members,
promotion of female faculty members to Full Professor positions
Provision of more promotion opportunities for female leaders
For the purposes of this Initiative, the following three numerical targets have been set in order to ensure that the university gains more female members and that more opportunities are provided for female faculty members to be promoted to higher-level decision-making positions. As an incentive to achieve these goals, subsidies (university funded) will be provided to schools and graduate schools that have recruited female faculty members, promoted such members to professorial positions, or appointed them to higher positions (trustees, graduate school deans, etc.).
(1) Percentage of female faculty members
20% or more by 2020. 30% or more by 2027. The goal for this MEXT's fund is 21.2% by 2022.
(2) Target percentage of female faculty members for each school and center
So far, Nagoya University has set target percentages for female faculty members at each school and center and has sent out a questionnaire every year to monitor progress in achieving those targets. Going forward, numerical targets for each school and center will be published throughout the university in order to encourage commitment to achieving the stated goals.
(3) Percentage of female faculty and staff in higher positions
Nagoya University has set the goal of raising the percentage of female faculty and staff in higher positions from 11.6% in May 2016 to 20% or more by 2020. This numerical target will be published again throughout the university in order to encourage ongoing commitment to achieving the stated goals.

Support will be provided for female researchers
in balancing research and life events
As part of this Initiative, a research supporter system will be implemented, mainly for female researchers going through life events, including those who have discontinued their research or temporarily left their jobs.

Improving female researchers’ research skills
In order to help female researchers improve their research skills, this Initiative provides them with opportunities to attend training on making presentations and writing papers in English, and subsidizes the costs of proofreading papers written in English.

Establishing centers for the promotion of gender equality and
changing people’s awareness of it within the university
Center for Gender Equality
Originally established as an administrative support organization of the university, the Office for Gender Equality has been reorganized into the Center for Gender Equality, acting as an organization that promotes gender equality as well as education and research on that subject. With the three functions of: 1) gender equality promotion, 2) gender research and education, and 3) social contributions by spreading gender equality practices throughout the world, the Center seeks to expedite gender equality, advance gender research, and develop female leaders.