Unconscious Bias Training Program

Unconscious Bias Training Program in Universities (video materials)


To recognize "unconscious bias" hidden in ourselves and our organization (laboratory, department, university, etc.) and to consider what we can do to create a university where diversity, gender equality in particular, is respected.


Heads of university departments and laboratories and those who conduct personnel affairs and hiring.


- Video (approx. 18 minutes)

  1. Explaining the concept of "unconscious bias
  2. Checking for unconscious bias

  • Recruitment of researchers
  • Recruitment of female researchers
  • Fostering researchers
  • Researchers' working styles



(1) Check Sheet 1 (approx. 3 minutes)

Please read Check Sheet 1 prior to watching the video.

(2) Watch the video (approx. 18 minutes)

Learn about "unconscious bias" and consider what kind of bias may be latent in ourselves and our organization.

*Click on the □ mark in the lower right corner of the video to watch it on full screen.
**You can change the playback speed by clicking the gear symbol displayed in the lower right corner of the video.

(3) Check Sheet 2 (approx. 5 minutes)

Please write about what you learned from the video.

(4) Discuss what we can do

Please share your answers to Check Sheet 1 and 2 with other participants and discuss what we can do to create an organization where diversity is respected.