This community is a voluntary network of faculty members and researchers who are balancing their professional responsibilities with parenting or caregiving, while on work assignments away from home.

Nagoya University is committed to supporting a harmonious balance between childcare, caregiving responsibilities, and academic pursuits for faculty members and researchers on assignments away from home.

Established in 2013, the “Researchers’ Community for Child Care Support” serves as a voluntary network dedicated to supporting faculty members and researchers who are raising their children alone, due to work assignments away from home.

The community aims to overcome the challenges faced by members who are juggling academic pursuits and parenting independently. We do so by organizing playdates for children and promoting the exchange of information among its members.

We also provide information about nursery schools, childcare and housekeeping services to faculty members and researchers planning to parent alone, drawing on experiences from actual users of these services.

If you are considering joining us, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact details provided below. We also offer information for those about to take up a post at the university. If you are planning to join Nagoya University and need help finding information about nursery schools or parenting resources, please reach out to us.



Research laboratory site of person in charge